Iota Calculation, Fourier Surface Extraction, and Perturbations (Wendelstein 7-X)

This example shows how to calculate the rotational transform for Wendelstein 7-X.

import fusionsc as fsc
from fusionsc.devices import w7x
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

First, we need to perform some setup to make sure W7-X data are available.

Note: The W7-X geometry is currently protected by the W7-X data access agreement. Therefore, the file referenced below is available to W7-X team members (including external collaborators who signed this agreement) upon request.


Now we need to setup the geometry and magnetic field configuration. To speed up the magnetic field calculation, we use a slightly coarser grid.

field = w7x.standard()

grid = w7x.defaultGrid()
grid.nR = 32
grid.nZ = 32
grid.nPhi = 32

field = field.compute(grid).cache("surfField.fsc")
await field

Finally, we need to decide in which phi planes we want to evaluate our iota and start our surfaces from.

xStart = np.linspace(5.65, 6.3, 30)
yStart = 0 * xStart
zStart = 0 * xStart

Now it’s time to run our calculation.

iotas = fsc.flt.calculateIota(
    field, [xStart, yStart, zStart],
    200, # Turn count
    unwrapEvery = 10, distanceLimit = 1e4, 
    targetError = 1e-3, minStepSize = 1e-3

The iota profile is returned in a shape matching the start point shape, and can be easily plotted.

plt.plot(xStart, iotas)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1dadea70820>]

Additionally, the field line tracer can also extract the Fourier decomposition of the magnetic surfaces from the field line.

modes = fsc.flt.calculateFourierModes(
    field, [xStart, yStart, zStart],
    30, # Turn count
    nMax = 5, mMax = 7, toroidalSymmetry = 5,
    unwrapEvery = 10, recordEvery = 1,
    targetError = 1e-3, distanceLimit = 1e5, maxStepSize = 0.01,
    stellaratorSymmetric = True, aliasThreshold = 0.05

The modes are returned with a dict containing rotational transform and the Fourier expansion of the modes, as well as an encoding of the result as a FourierSurfaces object that can also be used in VMEC inputs.

dict_keys(['surfaces', 'iota', 'theta', 'rCos', 'zSin', 'mPol', 'nTor'])

Of particular interest are two components: The first one is the ‘iota’ array, which returns the rotational transforms.

array([1.09444021, 1.05147633, 0.99584491, 0.9590963 , 0.93131329,
       0.90825292, 0.89044472, 0.87708746, 0.86824525, 0.86214925,
       0.85839433, 0.85571463, 0.85474872, 0.85227694, 0.854434  ,
       0.85656028, 0.85808343, 0.86058415, 0.86416049, 0.87002159,
       0.87808519, 0.8886919 , 0.90319517, 0.92180227, 0.9465071 ,
       1.00047059, 1.00011697, 1.00030078, 1.04812043, 1.08246331])

Secondarily relevant is the ‘surfaces’ element, which contains the magnetic surfaces. This is an instance of the class fusionsc.magnetics.SurfaceArray, which can be sliced, added, and multiplied similar to a regular NumPy array.

array([ 3.05499683e+00,  3.06511679e+00, -1.53853968e+00,  3.04789752e+00,
        3.06011133e+00,  3.06951309e+00,  3.09790724e+00,  3.04396081e+00,
        3.05466676e+00,  3.04656444e+00,  3.03134871e+00,  3.04420938e+00,
        2.08799946e+00,  2.15265923e+00, -7.35932886e-01,  5.58303403e-03,
        9.70771550e-03,  1.86229450e-03, -1.10290469e-02,  3.34755947e-03,
        8.34118608e-03, -4.59210820e-03, -1.23285713e-02, -2.30900669e-02,
       -2.34730191e-03, -1.72983632e-01,  2.25624473e-01, -2.43986656e-02,
        4.52786654e-04, -4.80124755e-03])

To plot the modes, we need to multiply the Fourier coefficients with the appropriate angles.

surfaces = modes["surfaces"]

#print("First:\n", surfaces[0])
#print("Last:\n", surfaces[-1])
#print("Average:\n", (surfaces[0] + surfaces[-1]) / 2)
#for i in range(0, surfaces.shape[0]):
#    print(surfaces[i].data.rCos)
<class 'fusionsc.magnetics.SurfaceArray'>
shape: [11, 8]
data: [5.476880400064875, 0.53577153746381545, 0.086167257070756273, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.24876703804113193, -0.25344980078147678, 0.060435086389045906, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0092448214569930964, -0.015347356935070616, 0.082366898480248446, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0035084950642083426, 0.0049147018688642527, -0.0018620218509459619, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0013348871253378103, 0.0019298282016008107, -0.0013484427825197721, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00018728042288860972, 0.00014438647819070509, 0.00047911938569339429, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0004307223562607721, -0.0006657845089401757, 0.00026031098998514137, -0.0002146445781512002, -0.00050418404840430354, -0.00068061417494623747, 0.00077431061969340906, 0, -0.00078948921587734333, -0.00016404005604234341, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00098511761996553744, 0.0010089547019746055, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0099168954380363002, -0.015903625207850932, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034890273755331186, -0.0060424732478256008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
iSurf = 0
thetas = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
phis = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi / 10, 3)

data = surfaces.evaluate(phis, thetas) # Surfaces -5, -4, -3 are rational and failed to reconstruct


for iPhi in range(len(phis)):
    for iSurf in range(0, surfaces.shape[0]):
        #if abs(modes['iota'][iSurf] - 1) < 0.02:
        #    continue
        dp = 1
        x, y, z = data['points'][:,iSurf,iPhi,::dp]
        dx, dy, dz = data['thetaDerivatives'][:,iSurf,iPhi,::dp]
        r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        dr = (dx * x + dy * y) / r
        plt.plot(r, z)
        #plt.quiver(r, z, dr, dz)
    plt.xlim(4, 7)
    plt.ylim(-1.5, 1.5)
(3, 30, 3, 100)
../_images/3716ce8124209c949394d85406794e3170a80e5b7e7cfa7a85d79076d56b5af3.png ../_images/fcd5a54705a3a711e33b98637bad55cd2d0da2ce05b49cf468390db1747ada67.png ../_images/02eea32ed5daa28dbf733ed4f230f1449f996a1c7608ef776a508c3799b256e9.png

The obtained surfaces can also be used to calculate a mode decomposition of the magnetic field

surfaces[2].asGeometry(nPhi = 360, nTheta = 360).asPyvista().plot()
C:\Users\Alexander\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pyvista\jupyter\ UserWarning: Failed to use notebook backend: 

No module named 'trame'

Falling back to a static output.
surf = surfaces[6]
#np.asarray([0,0] += 0.03

fieldModes = field.calculateRadialModes(surf, field, nSym = 5, mMax = 15, nMax = 15, nTheta = 400, nPhi = 400)
cc = fieldModes["cosCoeffs"]
sc = fieldModes["sinCoeffs"]

m = fieldModes["mPol"]
n = fieldModes["nTor"]

phi = fieldModes["phi"]
theta = fieldModes["theta"]

tot = np.sqrt(cc**2 + sc**2)

plt.imshow(fieldModes["radialValues"].T, origin='lower', extent = [0, 360, 0, 360])
plt.title("Brad / B")
plt.xlabel('Phi [deg]')
plt.ylabel('Theta [deg]')

plt.imshow(tot.T, origin = "lower", norm = "log")
#plt.xlabel(f"n[0, {n[1]:.0f} ... {max(n):.0f}, {min(n):.0f}, ..., {n[-1]:.0f}]")
plt.xticks(range(len(n)), n)
plt.title("Fourier components of Brad / B")

for i_m, mVal in enumerate(m):
    for i_n, nVal in enumerate(n):
        if mVal > 5: continue
        if nVal < 0: continue
        if nVal > 10: continue
        print(f"n = {nVal:.0f}, m = {mVal:.0f}, val = {tot[i_n][i_m]:.2e}")
C:\Daten\repos\fsc\src\python\fusionsc\ UserWarning: The function fusionsc.magnetics.MagneticConfig.calculateRadialModes is part of the unstable API. It might change or get removed in the near future. While unlikely, it might also not be compatible across client/server versions.
  warnings.warn(f"The function {f.__module__}.{f.__qualname__} is part of the unstable API. It might change or get removed in the near future. While unlikely, it might also not be compatible across client/server versions.")
../_images/322a281096e07a3583c1b9f4003aedd0a4df3f1c24646dc5a5cd336a09680307.png ../_images/e475618bd7ab7b0fea384d0441e8bce2a13fcda9e01144af0482126bf3ba94c5.png
(400, 400)
n = 0, m = 0, val = 1.02e-08
n = 5, m = 0, val = 5.13e-06
n = 10, m = 0, val = 2.46e-05
n = 0, m = 1, val = 4.73e-05
n = 5, m = 1, val = 8.47e-05
n = 10, m = 1, val = 5.85e-05
n = 0, m = 2, val = 1.51e-06
n = 5, m = 2, val = 8.72e-06
n = 10, m = 2, val = 4.20e-06
n = 0, m = 3, val = 3.17e-05
n = 5, m = 3, val = 4.46e-05
n = 10, m = 3, val = 7.38e-06
n = 0, m = 4, val = 2.95e-05
n = 5, m = 4, val = 7.71e-05
n = 10, m = 4, val = 4.86e-06
n = 0, m = 5, val = 6.37e-05
n = 5, m = 5, val = 5.40e-05
n = 10, m = 5, val = 6.06e-05

The calculated surfaces can also be converted into geometries to plot.

asPv = surfaces[0].asGeometry(nPhi = 360, nTheta = 360).asPyvista()
C:\Users\Alexander\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pyvista\jupyter\ UserWarning: Failed to use notebook backend: 

No module named 'trame'

Falling back to a static output.