Accelerating computations with field-line mapping

This examples highlights some ways to accelerate your calculations with field line mapping. We will use a W7-X case.

import fusionsc as fsc
from fusionsc.devices import w7x
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
grid = w7x.defaultGrid()
grid.nPhi = 32
rMin: 4
rMax: 7
zMin: -1.5
zMax: 1.5
nSym: 5
nR: 128
nZ: 128
nPhi: 32

Note: There are two functions to perform axis-current computations, the fsc.flt.axisCurrent and the fsc.devices.w7x.axisCurrent function. They take exactly the same arguments, but fsc.flt.axisCurrent has default behavior tailored towards generic devices, while fsc.devices.w7x.axisCurrent has default parameters more suited for Wendelstein 7-X calculations (current direction, default grid, starting points).

field = w7x.standard()
#field = field + w7x.axisCurrent(field, 2000, grid = grid)

# Note: The above is equivalent to
# field = field + fsc.flt.axisCurrent(field, 10000, grid = w7x.defaultGrid, direction = "cw", startingPoint = [6, 0, 0])

field = field.compute(grid)

Preparing the mapping

To prepare the mapping, we need to (in principle) specify the planes in which we want the remapping to occur. For W7-X, a function with recommended defaults is provided in the w7x device-specific module (same arguments, but different default values).

mapping = w7x.computeMapping(field)

# Note: The above is equivalent to
# mapping = fsc.flt.computeMapping(
#    field,
#    mappingPlanes = np.radians(72 * np.arange(0, 5)),
#    r = np.linspace(4, 7, 200),
#    z = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 200),
#    stepSize = 0.01,
#    distanceLimit = 7 * 2 * np.pi / 8
# )
geoGrid = w7x.defaultGeometryGrid()
geometry = w7x.divertor('OP21').index(geoGrid)

Inspecting the mapping

After calculating the mapping, we can take a look at the structure of the generated mapping planes. Note: The huge number of NaN values stems from the fact that the corners of the mapping grid extend beyoung the magnetic surface region of W7-X and therefore diverge fast.

data =
lines = str(data).split("\n")

for i in range(30):
    line = lines[i]
    if(len(line) > 50):
        line = line[:50] + ' ...'
print('... {} lines follow ...'.format(len(lines) - 20))
section1 = data.sections[0]

r = np.asarray(section1.r)
z = np.asarray(section1.z)

def plot_grid(x,y, ax=None, **kwargs):
    from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
    ax = ax or plt.gca()
    segs1 = np.stack((x,y), axis=2)
    segs2 = segs1.transpose(1,0,2)
    ax.add_collection(LineCollection(segs1, **kwargs))
    ax.add_collection(LineCollection(segs2, **kwargs))

for i in [(len(r) - 1) // 2, (len(r) - 1) // 2 + 1, 0, -1]:
    plt.figure(figsize = (20, 12))
    plot_grid(r[i], z[i])
    if i == (len(r) - 1) // 2:
        plt.title("Plane {} (mapping plane)".format(i+1))
        plt.title("Plane {}".format(i + 1))
../_images/cfc61d51f83cc058a7711e0eab28f1234fdb460364e506564d1c015f659f651c.png ../_images/7959964b4ea46da2e3cd7436c19826f8d3b30d2a10690464a782dda5d54175a1.png ../_images/75554eecff74cc6aa2089731aa7b84f01887399994651ef7551bcee2a8d14948.png ../_images/e9c96ad1436223928f5d8f5d3fc27747b547cfa0718a7151a01ea7ebd9abe136.png
section1 = data.sections[0]

u = np.asarray(section1.inverse.u)# - 0.5
v = np.asarray(section1.inverse.v)# - 0.5

r = np.sqrt((u-0.5)**2 + (v-0.5)**2)
theta = np.arctan2(v-0.5, u-0.5)

for i in [(len(r) - 1) // 2, (len(r) - 1) // 2 + 1, 0, -1]:
    plt.figure(figsize = (20, 12))
    if i == (len(r) - 1) // 2:
        plt.title("Plane ID {} (mapping plane)".format(i))
        plt.title("Plane ID {}".format(i))
../_images/24c9181faede6726afcfece32dda635bd20ee056e666035dd047fec0e167796a.png ../_images/41613c33323d1adc2cd1e03e481bbd01b327527bd911462e7be4167424331cb6.png ../_images/7e7872faa7be337abe6a28fda382a4fb8895bae40b61b242d6615d0a62a64915.png ../_images/deb2beaa5907bfddb3dba226e2cdb5fd1377e52bc1ca58b69c01963da09f006b.png

Employing the mapping to accelerate computations

Poincare maps with high turn counts

rStart = np.linspace(4.4, 4.7, 20)
phi = np.radians(72 * 0 + 36)
xStart = np.cos(phi) * rStart
yStart = np.sin(phi) * rStart
zStart = 0 * rStart

pStart = [xStart, yStart, zStart]
#xStart = np.linspace([5.5, 0, 0], [5.8, 0, 0], 40, axis = 1)

pc = fsc.flt.poincareInPhiPlanes(pStart, field, [0, np.pi, np.radians(200.8)], 2000, distanceLimit = 1e7, stepSize = 0.25, mapping = mapping, geometry = geometry)
fsc.flt.trace(pStart, field, turnLimit = 10, stepSize = 0.25, mapping = mapping)
{'endPoints': array([[            nan,             nan,  3.50487470e+00,
          3.53382769e+00,  3.66317276e+00,  4.29309156e+00,
          4.84894922e+00,  4.85245282e+00,  3.67946908e+00,
          3.66018429e+00,  3.66449440e+00,  3.61698542e+00,
          3.60734262e+00,  3.59279260e+00,  3.70441472e+00,
          4.23972572e+00,  4.60137545e+00,  4.62596600e+00,
          4.40231399e+00,  4.25069815e+00],
        [            nan,             nan,  2.68092501e+00,
          2.72258151e+00,  2.93659464e+00,  3.13883633e+00,
          3.65460052e+00,  3.59608176e+00,  2.81685841e+00,
          2.75852686e+00,  2.72098448e+00,  2.80472941e+00,
          2.84222353e+00,  2.88586468e+00,  2.74811552e+00,
          3.14616266e+00,  3.58792946e+00,  3.65961025e+00,
          3.47451925e+00,  3.16519039e+00],
        [            nan,             nan, -1.07031146e-01,
          1.52510911e-01,  5.36120663e-01,  4.53859564e-01,
          1.73727837e-01, -1.33308105e-01, -1.32290696e-02,
          1.43821965e-01,  4.15576592e-02, -4.84073322e-02,
         -1.03235805e-01, -1.95849852e-01, -2.51308064e-01,
          3.81462025e-01,  1.38671629e-01, -2.57872859e-02,
         -2.28434567e-01, -3.44969887e-01],
        [            nan,             nan,  3.65363208e+02,
          3.63739873e+02,  3.63588381e+02,  3.63304331e+02,
          3.63095407e+02,  3.62573910e+02,  3.62826437e+02,
          3.62683451e+02,  3.62558260e+02,  3.62627691e+02,
          3.62673314e+02,  3.62755905e+02,  3.62622598e+02,
          3.63097560e+02,  3.63201610e+02,  3.63152857e+02,
          3.63088168e+02,  3.63003853e+02]]),
 'poincareHits': array([], shape=(5, 0, 20, 10), dtype=float64),
 'stopReasons': array([nanEncountered, nanEncountered, turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit,
        turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit,
        turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit,
        turnLimit, turnLimit, turnLimit], dtype=object),
 'fieldLines': array([], shape=(3, 20, 0), dtype=float64),
 'fieldStrengths': array([], shape=(20, 0), dtype=float64),
 'endTags': {},
 'numSteps': array([ 666,  885, 1365, 1368, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1372, 1378, 1378, 1377,
        1377, 1377, 1377, 1376, 1382, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383], dtype=uint64),
 'responseSize': 1184}
# Let's count the number of Poincare points
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

x, y, z, lF, lB = pc
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

for i in range(len(x)):
    plt.figure(figsize = (24, 18))
    plt.scatter(r[i], z[i], c = np.maximum(lF + lB, 0.001)[i], marker = '.', s = 1, norm = LogNorm())
#plt.xlim(4.5, 4.75)
#plt.ylim(-0.4, 0.4lB
../_images/fa17a05b266f5adf6d5c25e9e94f7f00e53f65ad2e70f59d8f2a40c2694c936f.png ../_images/4a1c7d7a7fee71f26c47ee59d11200a929f5b0cf85d996615cdffeb08ab73e1e.png ../_images/d555498897770649e667dc9386f115ada7a4945865c378d3906eeb6d0561715c.png

High-resolution connection length distributions

r = np.linspace(4.5, 4.75, 100)
z = np.linspace(-0.4, 0.4, 160)

rg, zg = np.meshgrid(r, z, indexing = 'ij')
xg = -rg
yg = 0 * rg

def calc_len(factor):
    return fsc.flt.connectionLength([xg, yg, zg], field * factor, geometry, grid = grid, mapping = mapping, distanceLimit = 1e3, stepSize = 0.1)

import time
start = time.time()
lc = calc_len(1) + calc_len(-1)
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 9))
plt.imshow(lc.T, norm = LogNorm())
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1fb78cc7c40>
r = np.linspace(5.95, 6.1, 120)
z = np.linspace(-0.25, -0.1, 120)
phi = np.radians(200.8)

rg, zg = np.meshgrid(r, z, indexing = 'ij')
xg = np.cos(phi) * rg
yg = np.sin(phi) * rg

def calc_len(factor):
    return fsc.flt.connectionLength([xg, yg, zg], field * factor, geometry, grid = grid, mapping = mapping, distanceLimit = 1e3, stepSize = 0.1)

import time
start = time.time()
lc = calc_len(1) + calc_len(-1)
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 9))
plt.imshow(lc.T, norm = LogNorm(), origin = "lower", extent = [5.9, 6.2, -0.4, 0])
(5.9, 6.2, -0.4, 0.0)